Wednesday, October 31, 2018

10/31/2018 - Happy Halloween! - 231.0

Weight: 231.0

For Halloween, I'm dressed up as a slightly thinner version of myself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

10/30/2018 - 232.2

Weight: 232.2

10/29/2018 - Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 436
 - Total strides: 4114
 - Miles equivalent: 2.57
 - Avg heart rate: 150

Thursday, October 25, 2018

10/25/2018 - Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 469
 - Total strides: 4694
 - Miles equivalent: 2.69
 - Avg heart rate: 155

10/25/2018 234.4

Weight: 234.4

10/24/2018 Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 447
 - Total strides: 4316
 - Miles equivalent: 2.64
 - Avg heart rate: 146

Monday, October 22, 2018

10/22/2018 Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 434
 - Total strides: 4098
 - Miles equivalent: 2.52
 - Avg heart rate: 146

10/22/2018 - After a Week in SF - 238.2

I was in San Francisco for a week for work, eating Google cafe and restaurant food. I also did a lot of walking, which is probably why I didn't gain even more than I did.

Back on the diet, as of this morning!

Weight 238.2

10/13/2018 - 237.0

Weight: 237.0

10/11/2018 - Whoops, wrong direction: 237.4

Weight: 237.4

Thursday, October 11, 2018

10/10/2018 - Workout

Total Workout: 45 minutes
Total Calories: 501

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 474
 - Total strides: 4932
 - Avg heart rate: 157
Treadmill: 12 minutes
 - Calories: 27
 - Distance: 0.5 mi
 - Avg heart rate: 129

Sunday, October 7, 2018

10/7/2018 - Pre-Google Weight! - 236.2

Weight: 236.2

I weighed 237 when I started at Google 4 1/2 years ago! All that free food put 12 (or more) pounds on me.

Friday, October 5, 2018

10/5/2018 - Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
Calories: 459
Total strides: 4814
Avg heart rate: 154

I really pushed this time. Why 33 minutes? because I choose the "Weight loss" program, which is preset to 28 minutes plus a 5 minute cool-down period. Then I set the slope to 10 and the resistance to 12. No idea what those numbers actually mean, but they are harder than slope 4 and resistance 5, so I figure I'm doing something.

10/5/2018 - Over 10 pounds down!!! 238.6

Weight: 238.6

And to offer you some relief for all the pictures of my belly, the aspens in the open space behind our house are starting to turn: