Wednesday, February 27, 2019

2/27/2019 - 226.2 - Headless

Weight: 226.2 WooHOO!

All polished up and ready for the cylinder head. The head weighs about 90LB, so the car lost an easy hundred pounds just by losing its head!

And the daily (also headless in photo) belly.

2/26/2019 - Workout - 600 KCal

Total Calories600
 - Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes + Treadmill: 12:30 Total: 45:30
 - Calories515 + 85 = 600
 - Total strides (elliptical)5465
 - Miles equivalent (elliptical)2.89
 - Avg heart rate: 157
 - Miles equivalent (treadmill)0.5


Phone battery died after this photo

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2/6/2019 - 228.0 - Fog

Weight: 228.0

Whoops, where'd the mountains go?

And the daily belly:

2/25/2019 - Workout - 610 KCal

Total Calories610
 - Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes + Cycle: ~15 Total: ~48:00
 - Calories515 + 95 = 610
 - Total strides (elliptical)5564
 - Miles equivalent (elliptical)2.89
 - Avg heart rate: 157
 - Miles equivalent (cycle)3.00



Monday, February 25, 2019

2/25/2019 - 227.8!!

Weight: 227.8
Finally some progress!!!!

Pink sky at morning

and the slightly reduced daily belly

Friday, February 22, 2019

2/22/2019 - Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 508 - That was weirdly easy tonight. Maybe the answer is hydration. 
 - Total strides: 5464
 - Miles equivalent: 2.86
 - Avg heart rate: 156

2/22/2019 - 231.4 - new specks

Weight: 231.4

2/21/2019 - Workout class

Total Body Strength for Beginners Class
 Class duration: 45 minutes
  1. Stretches and activation
  2. Workout: 
    1. Hip lifts with feet on bench - 12 reps x3
    2. Kneeling cable press - 8 reps x3
    3. Plank arm lifts - 6 reps/side x3
    4. Roll chest & shoulders with tennis ball
  3.  Cardio
  • Elliptical trainer: 20:06
    • Calories: 247
    • Miles equivalent: 1.5

Thursday, February 21, 2019

2/21/2018 - 230.8

Weight: 230.8

2/20/2019 - Workout

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 539 - Personal record! However, it left me wrecked the next day, so perhaps I should hold off chasing any higher numbers until I'm in a bit better shape.
 - Total strides: 5928
 - Miles equivalent: 2.97
 - Avg heart rate: 169

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2/19/2019 - 2 workouts

Total Body Strength for Beginners Class and a Workout at the Erie Community Center in the same day.
Total calorie count: 744!

Workout #1Total Body Strength for Beginners Class
 Class duration: 45 minutes
  1. Stretches and activation
  2. Workout: 
    1. Squats with a 26lb Kettlebell - 10 reps x3
    2. Assisted Pull-ups - 8 reps x3
    3. Push-Pull Base machine - 8 reps/side x3
    4. 1/2 kneel stretches x3
  3.  Cardio
  • Elliptical trainer: 20:36
    • Calories: 241
    • Miles equivalent: 1.5

Workout #2 Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 503 - THAT WAS TOUGH
 - Total strides: 5238
 - Miles equivalent: 2.82
 - Avg heart rate: 169

2/19/2019 - 233.8

Weight: 233.8 
Yup, I gained 3 pounds over the weekend. But I did find the best Green Chile in Taos! For those wondering, it's Orlando's New Mexican Cafe.

2-15-2019 - 2/18/2019 - Four Day Weekend in Taos (and some likely weight gain)

Travel, Food, and Fun in Taos - a 4 day weekend celebration of Valentines Day!
(and an egregious amount of eating REALLY GOOD FOOD)

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

2/13/2019 - 230.0 - An arboreal arborist

Weight: 230.0
Finally some progress!

A tree surgeon in an aspen tree.
Neither a partridge nor a pear in sight, but it got the job done. One dead 40' aspen removed from the back yard.

And the daily belly:

2/12/2019 - 2 workouts!

Total Body Strength for Beginners Class and a Workout at the Erie Community Center in one day.
Total calorie count: 724!

Workout #2 Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 528 - WooHOOO - New Personal Record!
 - Total strides: 5758
 - Miles equivalent: 2.92
 - Avg heart rate: 163

But wait, there's more:

Workout #1Total Body Strength for Beginners Class
 Class duration: 45 minutes

  1. Stretches and activation
  2. Workout: 
    1. Deep lunge with a 26lb weight - 8 reps x3
    2. Med-ball SLAM - 8 reps x3
    3. Lat stretches on the roller - 10 reps x3
    4. Body span (plank with feet on sliders, slide feet back and forth using arms) 8 reps x3
  3.  Cardio
    • Elliptical trainer: 18:05
      • Calories: 196
      • Total strides: 4612
      • Miles equivalent: 1.3