Thursday, April 25, 2019

4/25/2019 - 227.8

Weight: 227.8

4/24/2019 - 228.2 - Tree!

Weight: 228.2

4/23/2019 - Workout - 474 KCal

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 474  - that was difficult, just didn't feel up for it!
 - Total strides: 4810
 - Miles equivalent: 2.72
 - Avg heart rate: 151

Monday, April 22, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

4/20/2019 - 229.0

Weight 229.0

4/19/2018 - 229.0

Weight 229.0

4/18/2019 - Workout - total body strength class

Total Body Strength class at the Google gym.
Class duration - 1 hour
Warm up:

  1. Rocking - all 4s, one leg out, then back, then forward, then other leg - x4
  2. Deadbug - on back, alternate arm and leg out, then switch, back FLAT - x4
  3. Glute bridge - on back, lift gluts, lift 1 leg, then alternate - x4
  4. Flow - a complex combo of lunge and stretches - x3/side
  5. Step down - one leg balance on a step - x4/leg
  6. Partner row - coordinated sawing tug-o-war, x4/side
  7. Slam - Throw down the medicine ball as hard as possible - x6 grrrr!

Block 1 (x4):

  1. Squats with kettlebell - x8
  2. Pull-down - 2 arm - x12
  3. Body Saw - plank with feet on sliders, saw x8 (tougher than it sounds)

Block 2: (x3)

  1. Step downs - taller this time - x8/leg
  2. Lateral squat - Wide stance, squat left leg, then right with kettlebell - x8/leg
  3. Row with reach - one arm pull out - x8/arm

4/18/2019 - 229.2

Weight 229.2 Been eating too much chips, salsa, queso, guac, etc.

4/17/2019 - 227.6

Weight 227.6

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

4/16/2019 - 228.4

Weight: 228.4

4/15/2019 - Workout - 652 KCal

Total Calories649
 - Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes + Treadmill: 19 minutes Total52 minutes
 - Calories: 501 + 151 = 652
 - Total strides (elliptical)5238
 - Avg heart rate (elliptical): 156
 - Miles equivalent (elliptical)2.80
 - Miles (treadmill)1.05

Elliptical (old machine):


4/13/2019 - Workout - 539 KCal

Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes
 - Calories: 539  - new machine
 - Total strides: 5940
 - Miles equivalent: 2.97
 - Avg heart rate: 161

Saturday, April 6, 2019

4/5/2019 - 226.0 - budding aspens against a blue sky

Weight. 226.0 WooHOO. Lowest weight since 2006!!!!

Buds on the neighbor's aspens

And the daily belly

Friday, April 5, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019

4/4/2019 - 226.8

Weight: 226.8

4/3/4019 - Workout - 649 KCal

Total Calories649
 - Elliptical trainer: 33 minutes + Treadmill: 15 minutes Total48 minutes
 - Calories: 521 + 128 = 649
 - Total strides (elliptical)5638
 - Avg heart rate (elliptical): 163
 - Miles equivalent (elliptical)2.90
 - Miles (treadmill): 0.83



Wednesday, April 3, 2019

4/3/2019 - 227.4 - Lake Erie

Weight: 227.4

The creek behind our house is flooding the open space:

And the daily belly: